The City and Regional Planning Department (CRP) promotes sustainable and diverse communities within cultural and human systems. We provide an interdisciplinary professional planning education based on the learn-by-doing approach, community outreach, and applied research to help communities aspire for better, livable places. Your support helps provide the tools to achieve student and program excellence.
Student Support

Scholarship support is a critical part of student success. Your donation not only provides financial support to the recipients - it can make the difference between whether a student joins a competition team or an academic club.
Join our industry, foundation and family scholarship supporters - $1,000 is the minimum donation necessary to offer a scholarship. Consider supporting an existing scholarship, or starting your own today!
City & Regional Planning students are encouraged to enter hands-on competitions to foster resourcefulnes
s, project management skills, and the ability to work in teams. Regular competitions include the Bank of America’s Low-income Housing Challenge and the Urban Land Institute Hines Competition.
Donations from individuals, alumni and companies allow student teams the opportunity to travel and compete against teams from other universities from around the region and nation.
Students in Need
Life happens, and it’s never on time. The computer breaks right before the final report is due, or an emergency back home requires an immediate trip to see family. Maybe incoming dollars don’t match up to the bills, or a student is short on materials for a final project. Help to ensure that a student with an emergency has the support they need to meet the challenge.

Off-campus Program Travel
The CRP department encourages students to travel nationally and internationally through Cal Poly and other summer or quarter-long programs. Your donation will help support this fundamental part of a student’s professional education.
International Programs
Support and incentivize students to engage in a study abroad offering to prepare them for practice in a globalized world. Grants of up to $1,000 will be offered to students enrolled in CRP Summer Abroad courses emphasizing comparative issues of urban and regional planning in a globalized world. Grants will be applied directly to tuition and expenses for these programs.
Participation in Professional Conferences
We encourage students to participate in professional conferences. This is an important part of any professional’s education to keep up to date with their chosen profession, and the networking opportunities are priceless. Your donation would support student participation by partially defraying the cost of attendance.
Program Support
Hands-on Courses and Labs
Courses and labs are where our students gain valuable learn by doing experience. Your support helps keep these courses updated and industry-specific, and keeps the labs state of the art allowing us to stay on track with new innovations and trends in technologies.
Studios for Economically Disadvantaged Communities $10K per year
CRP students have assisted communities throughout California by providing creative, low-cost planning services through our community-based studios. Economically disadvantaged communities who are desperately in need of quality planning services may not be able to afford the minimal fee we charge to cover the costs of supplies and student travel. Your support of the studio will provide a meaningful experience for our students and will provide benefit to these communities.
Course Sponsorships $25K over 5 years
Investing in the underwriting of a course will ensure faculty offer industry-specific projects that represent the reality of the planning profession today. Your support may be used to provide professional development opportunities to faculty and/or students, or provide transportation and lodging for travel to conferences or competitions. Equipment and supplies/materials may also be purchased with the funds.
Computer Lab Sponsorships $50K over 5 years
Your support of the computer lab will provide students with state-of-the-art equipment, software, and training necessary for our technologically evolving field. Your company will have naming rights to the computer lab for 5 years.
Geo-Visualization, Modeling and Simulation Lab Sponsorship $100K over 5 years
Support this state-of-the-art lab for conducting geo-spatial analysis, modeling, and visualization. This lab would leverage Cal Poly’s strong commitment to ESRI software products and provide hardware systems and space. Your company will have naming rights to the lab for 5 years.
Planner in Residence
The ability to provide planning practice insight and exposure to CRP students is enhanced by bringing distinguished professionals to spend one to two weeks to Cal Poly. These “planners in residence” improve the level of professional planning skills offered. A gift of $5,000 would support living and honorarium expenses.
FOCUS Journal
An award-winning annual publication on professional, student and faculty projects, a gift of $5,000 will ensure that you and/or your company is featured in an article of the magazine.
CRP Newsletter
A gift of $1,000 will help to defray the production cost of one CRP newsletter and/or expansion into a digital volume.
CRP Fund for Excellence
Your gift to this discretionary fund will be used as needed to support expenditures such as student/faculty travel, materials and supplies, and/or books.
Matching Gifts
Employers often match their employee donations, under certain circumstances or for specific purposes, which could double your gift. If your employer participates in this type of program, consider asking them to match your gift to Cal Poly.
Planned Gifts
Make a legacy gift to CRP, the college or the university by recording your intent in your estate plans.
Contact the CAED Advancement office at 805-756-5138 for more information.